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What's In Our File: Feast your eyes


If there is one thing we love, it is setting a beautiful table!  Thanksgiving offers the perfect excuse to pull out your best china and warm up your space with not only your favorite people but an inviting place setting.  Long after your bellies have been full and you've dined on leftovers of pumpkin pie and all the fixings you can take some of our tips into the upcoming holidays.  After all, It's never too late to feast your eyes on beautiful things!  So before November comes to a close and we begin to deck the halls and spread all the the glad tidings that Christmas has to offer we thought in the spirit of Thanksgiving we thought we would share our design file that you can use to inspire! 

Opting to try something new rather than the orange and amber hues (which will always be a tried and true fave), we thought why not go with more natural variations of green, grey, and white tones.  Linen napkins are easy to find and the perfect way to dress up a white ceramic place setting.  Just add a sprig of rosemary or a maybe a small branch from outside on top for an extra touch!  Still have pumpkins from your fall decor?  Use them to write out the Thanksgiving menu or a quote about thankfulness with a paint pen!   We're big fans of gorgeous, dramatic floral arrangements, but if you're looking for something different this year why not pick up some eucalyptus from your local grocery store like Trader Joe's.  Eucalyptus is easy to put together in simple garlands down the table or their own vases.  Another alternative to eucalyptus is dried cotton.  Both options look great and are cost efficient.  Haven't raked those leaves up yet?  Grab a few, spray paint them gold and use them as additional decor or place cards!  Remember that your food can also become part of your setting placed in pretty pie dishes upon wood cutting boards down the table. However, the most important element to your Thanksgiving table scape is the dear friends and family who fill up the seats that you share the meal with!  Enjoy the holidays dear ones!  We are so grateful for you all!